But then I saw this, and fell in love.
Speaking of, some people got barbecues out in that traffic jam. On the motor way. WHAT? I get that sometimes, when stuck in a really long traffic jam, some people get out of their cars to stretch their legs, or have a wee, but I think cooking may be pushing it. I thought I was being silly with my knitting . But then I suppose that leads to the question; what else can you do in a traffic jam? There's an empty space, straight between the cars, about two meters wide, and I suppose, if one fancied it, you could do some cart wheels, or gallop a horse, or do rhythmic gymnastics. None of those are really very practical though, so maybe it would be best to stick to cooking. I suppose Jamie Oliver could probably do a pretty good job of it, because he has that knack of wandering into an unlikely place and finding a stove, table, ingredients and utensils just lying there, which is a skill I've never mastered. Bastard.
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